The revenge

We were Bonnie and Clyde

Sid and Nancy

So fancy

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

We were supposed to be ride or die

Then I found out that was a lie

Cause you went behind my back

As soon as I found out I gave you a smack

And threw a soda in your face

Told you you were such a disgrace


You were an attention whore

And then you became a bore

So I got you back

Stabbed you in the back

But also in the front

Cause I’m not a cowardly cunt

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I made sure you knew I was wanted

And that made you feel so haunted

You begged me to come back

Then I got a bright idea

To just pretend

That I was your best friend

While I planned out this scheme

To make it seem

Like we were gonna live the dream


But I hated you

At the same time I loved you too

But I’m petty as fuck

I was gonna fuck you up

Before I left,

Like a grand auto theft


So when you decided to get my name 

Tattooed on your side

Of course I helped you decide

Cause I knew that it would have you dying

If I dumped you while the ink was still drying

Processed with VSCO with b2 preset

So as soon as it was done

I told you the jig was up

That you fucked up

I’m not as stupid as you think,

Cause I’m not the one covered in my ex lover’s ink.


– Heidi Lill


10 kommentarer
    1. Lurer på om du tjener penger på bloggen? Har veldig lyst å satse på blogging, men nyskjerrig på hvor høyt du må være på listen og hvor mange lesere du må ha daglig for å tjene litt. Hvordan blir du kontaktet evnt.. Setter stooor pris på svar 🙂

    2. Altså ! Dette høres ut som mitt liv og mine tanker på et viss tidspunkt i livet mitt 😅😄 Digger diktet og badass attituden bak det om det så kun er et dikt eller detaljer fra livet ditt.
      PS. Smellvakker er du 😉

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